Spotible innovates high-impact content engagement with major media, broadcast, and brand enterprises worldwide. The company works to create interactive, customized advertisements for various top-tier media and Fortune 500 enterprises.
I have worked with Spotible to redesign their UI for software and other interactive advertisements for top-tier brands, including DraftKing, MLB, GUCCI, Toyota, etc.
Allstream is Spotible's software which can create advertisement through any website that are provided. They wanted to redesign the whole UI/UX to create a better interface for both the clients and the employees. My role was to discuss a better UX with the employees at Spotible and design a whole new UI for them.
Spotible needed a whole new Ad unit that can be customizable design for any kind of client. The expandable skin ensures engagement by placing the ad side by side to the website and having interaction of carousel and video to attract viewer interest.